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Master Philosophy & Computer Science

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About the Program

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Structure and Content 

Students will gain a unique combination of skills in computational as well as analytical thinking. Their schedules will be tailored to their interests and needs. Sample study plans can be found here. The first year aims to establish a common foundation, while the second year offers ample opportunities for specialization. 

First Year: Foundations in Four Tracks 

In the first year, introductory courses establish a shared knowledge base. The Shared Foundations modules contain a number of interdisciplinary courses aimed at all students. In addition, students will study Track Specific Foundations depending on their specific background knowledge. The Computer Scientist's Track offers philosophical training for those with a background in computer science, while the Philosopher's Track presents basic computer scientific training for philosophers. Those with interdisciplinary backgrounds (e.g., in cognitive science, computer linguistics, …) will be assigned individual foundational modules in the Mixed Track. Students who have already covered the basic modules of both the Computer Scientist's and the Philosopher's Track in their prior studies will be admitted into the Development Track which allows them to take specialization courses instead of foundational ones.  

Second Year: Specialization and Master’s Thesis 

Throughout the second year, students can delve into various topics at the intersection of philosophy and computer science. These may include topics such as Intelligent Systems, Ethics of New Technologies, Policy & Regulation, Data Analysis & Data Processing, Machine Learning & Computation, or Human-Computer Interaction. Students can take seminars, conduct individual research projects, and incorporate internships or participation in academic conferences into their studies. In the final semester, students will write a thesis. Their choice of specialization for the thesis will determine whether they will be awarded a Master of Arts or Master of Science degree. 

A detailed overview of the program's curriculum

Good to Know

How is P&CS different from philosophy?

P&CS differs from a general master’s program in philosophy in very important ways. First, basic training in computer science is included. Second, the philosophy classes focus primarily on topics connected to computer science. The shared foundational courses are designed to link discussions about philosophical questions with those about technical developments. Given this specific focus, several areas of philosophy will not be covered within the P&CS curriculum or only insofar as they touch computer science, e.g. historical positions in philosophy, metaphysics, aesthetics, etc. Some of these topics are taught at UBT in other programs and classes might be creditable in the specialization modules. However, for students whose philosophical interests lie primarily in a field unrelated to technology, computers, and AI, a general philosophy program might be better suited. Similarly, the P&CS program is not a good fit for students who are unwilling to take computer science classes and acquire basic mathematics and programming skills.

How is P&CS different from computer science?

P&CS differs from a general master’s program in computer science. First, it includes basic philosophy training requiring students to not only engage with philosophical content and ideas but also to produce philosophical essays. The shared foundational courses are designed to link discussions about technical issues with philosophical debates. Second, the computer science classes included in the program are focused on acquiring skills that will be useful for working at the intersection between philosophy and computer science. That means students of P&CS do not gather the same depth of technical expertise as those in a traditional computer science or software engineering program. For students with the required background knowledge, advanced computer science courses taught at UBT outside the P&CS curriculum might be creditable in the specialization module. Yet, it is important to be aware that students entering P&CS with a B.Sc. in computer science will have to take several compulsory philosophy classes designed to help them acquire basic philosophical knowledge and skills. This includes philosophical argumentation skills as well as knowledge about areas such as ethics, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, etc. Therefore, the program is not a good fit for students who are interested only in the technical aspects of technology development.


This Master’s is designed as a fully English-speaking program. However, those able and interested to take classes taught in German may do so where fitting classes are available (e.g. in related degree programs like law, business informatics, or computer science). Since English is the main language of our program, very good spoken and written English is essential for the successful completion of this program, and skills beyond B2 are highly recommended. In addition, students must acquire basic (A1) German skills either before or during the first year of study.


This program will lead to either an M.A. or an M.Sc. depending on the chosen specialization and the focus of the master’s thesis. Independent of their previous qualifications and the respective track, students who specialize in philosophy in the second year will receive an M.A.; students who specialize in computer science will receive an M.Sc. In potential borderline cases, the final decision lies with the examination board (Prüfungsausschuss). Teachers offer ample support in guiding students on their personal path through the program. For more information see here.

Specialization Certificate 

For those who focus on a specific thematic area (e.g., machine learning, policy, and regulation, ethics of new technologies, data analysis and data processing, intelligent systems), a specialization certificate can be issued by the head of the program. To apply for a specialization certificate, students must write their thesis in the respective specialization area and be credited at least 30 ECTS in coursework relating to the specialization. Available specializations will mirror the course contents; a full list and instructions for application will be published here.

Up-To-Date Teaching 

In the advanced modules, different seminars on current debates and the latest research are offered each semester. These seminars will vary on a semester-by-semester basis. In this way, we ensure that our students will always encounter contemporary topics in the various research areas. For an insight into teaching, there are various trial lectures here.

Internship / Study Abroad 

Internships can be credited as part of this program. Studying abroad for up to a semester is also possible. In both cases, individual arrangements will be made.

Accessibility / Family Friendliness / Part-Time Study 

University of Bayreuth offers support for students with disabilities as well as young families. For part-time students, study plans can be adjusted to a load of only 15 ECTS per semester to support students who may have other commitments such as family or part-time work. Specific arrangements can be discussed with the program coordinator after admission.

Important Dates 

There are some dates that are important for your studies. The application for the degree program is based on a rolling admission procedure, which starts on 1 March and lasts until 15 July. We strongly recommend that foreign students apply by June 15 in order to have enough time to apply for a visa. It is only possible to start studying in the winter semester, which normally begins in October.

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