Visitor Days
How to get to know us
Visitor's Day
Want to find out more about the Philosophy & Computer Science Master’s, studying at University of Bayreuth and living in Bayreuth? Then join us on our visitor's day on the 15th of May, 2025. Here you have the chance to get information about the program, see the campus, and attend a few of the compulsory lectures.
10:00 Meeting at the bus stop "Mensa"
10:15-11:30 Information Session
11:30-12:30 Campus Tour
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-18:00 Lectures
Please register by 11.05. by sending an e-mail to the following address: philcs(at) Please state your name, your academic background, and where you are traveling from in your registration.
Information Session
There will be an information session on the program on My German University: 2nd of April, 4pm (CET).
Further events
P&CS offers many lectures, workshops, and conferences that are open to the public. In particular, the Lecture Series on AI in Science and Society is running in summer. You are welcome to visit anytime. For more information see here. Information on travel and accommodation can also be found here.