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Master Philosophy & Computer Science

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Independent Study

Students can receive credits for taking part in thematically adequate university courses that do not fit any of the program's modules or for conducting an independent research project (e.g., presenting a scientific article at a conference, taking part in a summer/winter school, organizing a scientific event, …). There are various ways to have an Independent Study credited:

  • The student wants to take a course that is already flagged as independent study in CMLife:
    No special steps must be taken. The student must complete the regular requirements of the course in order to receive credit for it.
  • The student wants to take a course that is not flagged as independent study in CMLife but could fit the program:
    The student must apply for the course to be flagged as a independent study. For this, an informal mail to the program coordination (philcs(at)uni-bayreuth.de) must be written, with the desription of the course and a short statement on why it could be relevant for the program. This request is then reviewed by the examination board. In the event of a positive assessment, the above case applies. 
  • The student wants to be credited for an indepentend research project:
    The creditability of a specific research project will be assessed by the examination board on a case-by-case basis. For this, the student must complete this application form and upload it to the Philosophy & Computer Science e-learning course. Please don't forget to also submit any supporting documents (e.g. letter of acceptance) with your application. We are generally open to a wide range of possibilities when it comes to independent study; however, it should be something beyond writing a mere term paper. If you'd like to discuss the prospects of your idea with the program coordinator in advance, please send an email to
    philcs(at)uni-bayreuth.de. The examination board reserves the right to adjust submissions in order to ensure comparability. In the case of a short summer school, for example, a report may also have to be written; or a mere presentation at a conference might need to be supplemented by a formulated version of the presentation.

Webmaster: Dr. Timo Speith

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