As part of the P&CS program, it is possible to obtain a specialization certificate issued by the program head. To be eligible for a specialization certificate, students must write their Master's thesis in a specific thematic area and be credited at least 30 ECTS in coursework relating to this area. The following thematic areas are available:
- Intelligent Systems
- Policy & Regulation
- Ethics of New Technologies
- Machine Learning & Computation
- Data Analysis & Data Processing
- Human-Computer Interaction
Furthermore, in well-argued cases, specializations in thematic areas proposed by the student are possible.
Application Process
The application for a certificate is made at the same time as the application for a Master's thesis (see also here) using the same form. If students would like a certificate, they must provide the six relevant courses, the thematic area of specialization (or the name of their own proposal) and a brief explanation of why the six courses indicated fit this area (and, in the case of an own proposal, why this proposal is relevant as a thematic area for the study program).