Study Abroad
P&CS is already a very diverse program. Nevertheless, it is possible for students to study for one semester at a foreign university. As a rule, the third semester is best suited for this.
However, students are free to go to a foreign university during another semester. There are several options for P&CS students in this regard:
- They look for a place at a foreign university on their own.
- They can try to obtain one of the places abroad offered by the International Office of the University of Bayreuth.
- You apply for the allocation of a place from the contingent of the Institute of Philosophy.
In any case, students should discuss their plans to study abroad with the program coordination.
The following information only concerns the contingent of the Institute of Philosophy! Prof. Dr. Cristina Borgoni is your contact person for this contingent. If your application is successful, the Institute will only allocate you a place abroad. All further information and application activities must be carried out by the applicants themselves. The application to the Institute of Philosophy is therefore only the first step in the application process.
In a second step, we send the names and matriculation numbers of the accepted applicants to the International Office. The International Office then supports the Erasmus applicants by informing the foreign universities of the applicants for the agreed places. The universities contacted send the application documents to the applicants directly or via the International Office. These are to be processed further by the applicants (if necessary, in consultation with Ms. Borgoni regarding the teaching program).
Outside of the Erasmus program, applications to foreign partners must be made independently by the applicants accepted by us.
Our quota of places abroad is regulated by contractual exchange agreements with foreign universities. You can find out which universities or institutes are involved here (in German).
More information on the modalities are here (or on the website of the International Office) and more information on crediting here.